
Recent shifts on the geopolitical jazz board

A choice for cooperation over competition Line of thought For many decades, the geopolitical dynamics of today’s global landscape have been characterised by a delicate balance between great power cooperation and rivalry. America has been the world’s economic and military superpower, gaining influence and leverage through economic leadership and military power politics. The US dollar has always been the global reserve currency. What began in the early 2000s as a rather loose forum of emerging economies such as China, India,

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Mein Plädoyer für den Frieden

Mit großer Sorge verfolge ich die vielfältigen Entwicklungen, die derzeit in der Europäischen Union zu beobachten sind. Wir steuern auf einen möglichen bewaffneten (nuklearen) Konflikt zwischen den Großmächten zu. Wir sind an einem Wendepunkt angelangt, an dem sich die wirtschaftliche Abwärtsdynamik in Europa besorgniserregend beschleunigt hat. Wir bewegen uns rasant auf einen Abgrund zu, wenn es uns nicht gelingt, jetzt

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Recent shifts on the geopolitical jazz board

A choice for cooperation over competition Line of thought For many decades, the geopolitical dynamics of today’s global landscape have been characterised by a delicate balance between great power cooperation and rivalry. America has been the world’s economic and military superpower, gaining influence and leverage through economic leadership and military power politics. The US dollar has always been the global

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Recent shifts on the geopolitical jazz board

A choice for cooperation over competition Line of thought For many decades, the geopolitical dynamics of today’s global landscape have been characterised by a delicate balance between great power cooperation and rivalry. America has been the world’s economic and military superpower, gaining influence and leverage through economic leadership and military

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RGA Opinion-Leader, Inhaber: Ruth Gursch-Adam (Firmensitz: Österreich), verarbeitet zum Betrieb dieser Website personenbezogene Daten nur im technisch unbedingt notwendigen Umfang. Alle Details dazu in der Datenschutzerklärung.
RGA Opinion-Leader, Inhaber: Ruth Gursch-Adam (Firmensitz: Österreich), verarbeitet zum Betrieb dieser Website personenbezogene Daten nur im technisch unbedingt notwendigen Umfang. Alle Details dazu in der Datenschutzerklärung.