You seek to confront your challenges with clarity and youthful energy, brilliance, and enthusiasm? In our current times of turbulence, when the very foundations of our existence seem uncertain and rapid change is the only constant, we yearn for strength and stability. Together, we craft customized solutions that prioritize your professional and personal sovereignty.
Ruth Gursch-Adam
We develop a thorough reality check about your role and those of your employees and superiors. We focus on understanding your own strengths, weaknesses and responsibilities in the work context as well as the perception of the contributions and expectations of team members and superiors. Through this reflection, you recognise obstacles, avoid misunderstandings and create effective communication channels to promote a harmonious and productive working environment. Ultimately, you will achieve improved collaboration, clearer role allocations and a better understanding of team dynamics.
By defining your goals and identifying your calling and mission, you can lead a fulfilling and purposeful life that is in alignment with your values and passions. In our sessions, we enable you to gain clarity about your long-term goals and the purpose of your work. By identifying strengths, interests and values, you will discover which tasks and activities bring personal fulfilment and thus make your individual valuable contribution to society. The orientation helps you to focus on what is important, to find your own path and to act in accordance with your own convictions and goals.
By analysing your current position, we gain a precise overview of your own tasks and current situation. This includes a clear understanding of your tasks to be performed and the expectations and demands placed on you. We analyse together current situations, including the challenges, opportunities and resources, so you can better understand your position in the work environment. This enables you to make more targeted decisions, set priorities and act more effectively. Ultimately, this will help you to move consciously and confidently in your role and successfully pursue your goals.
We work on the ability to inspire, motivate and lead others to achieve common goals. We highlight the optimisation of leadership qualities on a human level and the ability to develop more empathy and communication on an interpersonal level. As a good leader, you know your employees and can recognise their strengths and weaknesses in order to promote and support them effectively. It is also about the ability to create a positive working environment, build trust and encourage teamwork, as well as empowering others to realise their full potential and achieve success together.
We support you in enhancing the effectiveness and productivity of your work by establishing clear priorities, ensuring that the most important tasks are completed first. Through the analysis and optimisation of workflows, unnecessary steps are eliminated and processes are simplified. Our focus is on a systematic approach to save time and resources, increase productivity, and ultimately achieve better results.
Together we strengthen the ability to communicate and interact effectively with people from different cultural backgrounds. Intercultural communication training is crucial to understanding cultural differences and acting diplomatically. We focus on developing sensitivity to cultural nuances, avoiding misunderstandings and adopting a global perspective. We hone diplomatic skills such as empathy and adaptability to promote collaboration and effective communication in international environments.
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Ruth Gursch-Adam, B.A., M.A.
Opinion Leader
Copyright © 2025 Ruth Gursch-Adam, Opinion Leader
Copyright © 2025
Ruth Gursch-Adam, Opinion Leader
During our coaching, you can anticipate the following focal points, among others:
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